Phonogram Words
Published on: August 05, 2009
Phonograms are exceptions to the pure phonetic words.Here are word lists that contain phonogram words.
(4 and 5 year old child can handle double consonants, such as ck, ss, ff, and so on. Also, ing words can be introduced. You can justify introducing these words if the words are a part of your child's environment.)
-ing- words
- king
- ring
- fling
- bring
- sing
- wing
- fling
- spring
- sling
- bring
- swing
- hall
- wall
- mall
- bell
- dell
- fell
- well
- tell
- sell
- drill
- ill
- will
- bill
- sill
- till
- fill
- hill
- mill
- still
- grill
- pill
- doll
- dull
- lull
- gull
- smell
- swell
- spell
- dwell
Challenge Words
- skull
- off
- huff
- ruff
- puff
- muff
- gruff
- fluff
- stuff
- muffin
- scruff
- cliff
- stiff
Extra Challenge Words
- button
- cotton
- turret
- happen
- mutton
- fossil
- rotten
- squirrel
- ribbon
- fizz
- carrot
- bottom
- tennis
- kennel
- kitten
- traffic
- blossom
- summer
- address
- buzz
- bonnet
- attic
- mitten
- rabbit
- banana
- bands
-silent e and long a-
- gate
- late
- cake
- rake
- drake
- spade
- snake
- ape
- plate
- slate
- lake
- cape
- name
- made
- wake
- lame
- bake
- lane
- tame
- tape
- take
- grate
- flame
- fate
- maze
- slave
- cable
- blaze
- blame
- pale
- make
- raven
- label
- brave
- stake
- wade
- ate
- mane
- scrape
- grave
- trade
- came
- save
- babe
- fluke
- safe
- rave
- scale
- same
- cane
- fade
- pave
- stale
- grape
- Jane
- James
Challenge Words
- lemonade
-ai- (long a)
- sail
- nail
- rail
- pail
- tail
- maid
- rain
- snail
- train
- paint
- laid
- raid
- aim
- brain
- trail
- strain
- sprain
- waist
- fail
- wail
- saint
- wait
- grain
- faint
- taint
- gain
- drain
- bail
- bait
- pain
- gait
- stain
- again (Queen's English)
- afraid
- explain
- claim
- frail
Challenge Words
- railing
- contain
- obtain
- quaint
- maiden
- maintain
- Spain
-ay-(long a)
- jay
- ray
- bay
- hay
- may
- day
- say
- lay
- pay
- way
- away
- tray
- play
- stay
- spray
- clap
- bray
- fray
- pray
- gray
- sway
- clay
Challenge Words
- crayon
- payment
- display
- delay
- relay
- array
- essay
- midday
- decay
- dismay
- astray
- playing
- repay
- Sunday
-ea-(long e)
- pea
- eat
- seal
- leaf
- bean
- seat
- bead
- beam
- team
- stream
- break
- neat
- cream
- lean
- reap
- speak
- read
- dream
- steam
- clean
- meal
- beast
- yeast
- seam
- mean
- veal
- leak
- leap
- feat
- peat
- plea
- least
- treat
- beat
- east
- feast
- bleat
- creak
- heal
- beam
Challenge Words
- teapot
- peacock
- season
- scream
- squeak
- squeal
- sea
- weak
-ee-(long e)
- eel
- bee
- fee
- tee
- see
- wee
- tree
- reel
- sweet
- sweep
- street
- feet
- green
- seeds
- heel
- reed
- peel
- seem
- been
- deep
- peep
- seed
- seen
- creep
- steep
- weed
- sleep
- preen
- keep
- greed
- deed
- feel
- bleed
- meet
- tweed
- need
- keel
- keen
- heed
- deem
- sleet
- weep
Challenge Words
- see
- toffee
- queen
- week
- creed
- coffee
- sixteen
- seventeen
- nineteen
- fifteen
-ie-(long e)
- field
- yield
- fiend
- priest
- brief
- grief
-ey-(long e)
- key
- abbey
- alley
- valley
- jockey
- hockey
- donkey
-y-(long e)
- teddy
- putty
- very
- ugly
- holly
- dolly
- entry
- curry
- body
- candy
- inky
- merry
- sadly
- bunny
- sorry
- witty
- rusty
- crusty
- ditty
- dirty
- bumpy
- softly
- penny
- golly
- happy
- fifty
- sunny
- berry
- petty
- sandy
- sixty
- seventy
- pity
- jolly
- sentry
- pansy
- empty
Challenge words
- Betty
- Bobby
- Tommy
- Molly
- Polly
- daddy
- merrily
- puppy
-i-(short i)
- -i-(short i)
- mind
- kind
- find
- pint
- mild
- wild
- rind
- blind
- grind
- wind
Challenge words
- unkind
-i-e (silent e, long i)
- tie
- lie
- vie
- die
- pie
- tied
- lied
- pile
Challenge words
- flies
- cries
- cried
- tried
- magpie
- fries
- fried
- dries
- spied
- relief
- nigh
- sigh
- high
- fight
- sight
- night
- light
- flight
- slight
- fright
- blight
- might
- right
- tight
- bright
Challenge Words
- alight
- plight
- lighten
- frighten
- brighten
- lighting
- midnight
- delight
-y (long i)
- by
- my
- dry
- cry
- fry
- sty
- fly
- try
- spy
- pry
- sky
- ply
Challenge Words
- reply
- typist
- apply
- trying
- defy
- cypress
- ally
- supply
- deny
- satisfy
- multiply
- occupy
- qualify
-o-e (long o and silent e)
- owe
- hole
- pole
- mole
- hope
- dope
- bone
- cone
- tone
- robe
- joke
- poke
- vote
- dote
- note
- home
- come
- cove
- wove
- rove
- code
- mode
- rode
- lode
- dome
- Rome
- tome
- mope
Challenge Words
- stone
- stove
- clove
- globe
- smoke
- slope
- spoke
- stole
- trove
- strove
- grove
- elope
-oa-(long o)
- oak
- loan
- Joan
- roan
- coat
- boat
- goat
- soap
- coal
- foal
- toad
- loaf
- road
- load
- moat
- roast
- coast
- boast
- soak
- goal
- oats
- roan
- goad
- roam
- loam
- foam
- coax
Challenge Words
- stoat
- cloak
- groan
- croak
- gloat
- soapsuds
-o-(long o)
- old
- fold
- roll
- so
- cold
- hold
- stroll
- oval
- go
- bold
- sold
- post
- no
- sold
- ago
- host
- gold
- scold
- told
- bolt
- colt
- folk
- both
Challenge Words
- Mexico
- golden
- swollen
-ow-(long o)
- low
- crow
- bow
- bowl
- pillow
- window
- yellow
- marrow
- snow
- sparrow
- elbow
- arrow
- barrow
- blow
- mow
- own
- slow
- glow
- grow
- flow
- row
- fellow
- hollow
- willow
- tow
- grown
- mellow
- stow
- follow
- flown
- fallow
- bellow
- morrow
- widow
- narrow
- barrow
- sorrow
- rule
- cube
- tune
- mule
- duke
- flute
- tube
- rude
- dupe
- lute
- dune
- brute
- use
- mute
- yule
- rune
- jute
- ruse
- fume
- muse
- fuse
Challenge Words
- volume
- dispute
- excuse
- Luke
- June
- amuse
- confuse
- costume
- astute
- new
- few
- pew
- dew
- stew
- crew
- strew
- screw
- drew
- grew
- blew
- brew
- flew
Challenge Words
- Andrew
- jewel
- mews
- news
- hue
- glue
- blue
- true
- due
- flue
- clue
- value
- duel
Challenge Words
- issue
- subdue
- rescue
- continue
-ck-(you can introduce these as phonetic words with "a different spelling")
- duck
- sock
- rock
- tack
- sack
- lock
- stick
- rock
- deck
- sick
- tuck
- back
- lick
- neck
- kick
- peck
- rack
- pack
- mock
- wick
- suck
- Rick
- luck
- lack
- muck
- ticket
- packet
- wicket
Challenge Words
- track
- cricket
- block
- racket
- clock
- brick
- trick
- smack
- prick
- crack
- stack
- stuck
- locket
- stock
- smock
- speck
- truck
- shot
- ship
- shop
- fish
- dish
- shed
- shell
- brush
- radish
- ask
- shelf
- shrimp
- shelf
- wish
- bush
- shut
- wish
- splash
- blush
- crash
- rush
- smash
- rash
- flash
- crush
- shod
- shrub
- sash
- hush
- gash
- shred
- shin
- sham
- shun
- shrill
- rubbish
- cash
- slush
- mesh
- flush
- vanish
- banish
- finish
- quit
- quest
- request
- quell
- quilt
- liquid
- equip
- quill
- banquet
- conquest
- them
- then
- that
- thin
- throb
- think
- thud
- thump
- broth
- moth
- smith
- thank
- cloth
- thrill
- thing
- width
- depth
- froth
- sixth
- tenth
- method
- thrust
- theft
- fifth
- seventh
- lead
- head
- deaf
- read
- deaf
- bread
- heaven
- tread
- spread
- dread
- sweat
- dealt
- meant
- instead
- dreadful
- bedstead
- peasant
- realm
- pleasant
- apple
- little
- puzzle
- bottle
- candle
- cattle
- kettle
- bubble
- bundle
- rattle
- saddle
- handle
- mangle
- nettle
- paddle
- sizzle
- middle
- puddle
- muddle
- cuddle
- brittle
- tremble
- bramble
- grumble
- humble
- crumble
- nestle
- riddle
- hustle
- nozzle
- spindle
- jostle
- muzzle
- gristle
- pebble
- jungle
- simple
- scribble
- rumble
- bristle
- mumble
- single
- possible
- responsible
- rectangle
- love
- sponge
- above
- come
- glove
- son
- won
- ton
- London
- Monday
- dove
- another
- monk
- front
- other
- month
- onion
- monkey
- wonder
- mother
- her
- fern
- term
- pert
- verb
- herd
- term
- jerk
- ever
- butter
- slipper
- duster
- hammer
- spanner
- ladder
- dagger
- hamper
- dinner
- robber
- letter
- cobbler
- lantern
- sister
- clever
- clatter
- bitter
- winter
- mister
- matter
- otter
- batter
- silver
- stern
- gutter
- fatter
- offer
- mutter
- never
- bladder
- udder
- perhaps
- perfect
- person
- serpent
- desert
- girl
- dirt
- bird
- fir
- sir
- skirt
- first
- stir
- firm
- flirt
- smirk
- swirl
- squirm
- affirm
- twirl
- squirt
- confirm
- fur
- cur
- burn
- curl
- turn
- hurt
- furl
- surf
- purr
- burst
- burr
- spur
- turf
- occur
- curt
- slur
- scurf
- suburb
- recur
- disturb
- murmur
- burden
- furlong
- turnip
- absurd
- corn
- born
- cord
- cork
- ford
- fork
- fort
- for
- horn
- lord
- lorn
- forlorn
- mourn
- mourning
- port
- pork
- sort
- torn
- inform
- factor
- tractor
- import
- distort
- import
- important
- rich
- itch
- such
- much
- Dutch
- hutch
- chap
- chill
- latch
- match
- lunch
- bunch
- witch
- switch
- chip
- crutch
- vetch
- chest
- children
- hatchet
- ditch
- chop
- quench
- finch
- catch
- fetch
- bench
- chapel
- scratch
- batch
- chum
- catch
- wretch
- drench
- trench
- notch
- hitch
- stretch
- pitch
- hatch
- patch
- chink
- chestnut
- satchel
- clutch
- splotch
- duchess
- French
- echo
- ache
- anchor
- chorus
- architect
- monarch
- chemical
- choir
- bow
- now
- row
- cow
- sow
- brown
- owl
- crown
- towel
- clown
- town
- gown
- fowl
- trowel
- vowel
- crowd
- down
- howl
- drown
- growl
- frown
- scowl
- prowl
- allow
- out
- loud
- pout
- lout
- bout
- noun
- bound
- mount
- aloud
- pound
- hound
- mound
- cloud
- spout
- trout
- count
- round
- found
- countless
- accounts
- sound
- proud
- about
- around
- amount
- ground
- snout
- stout
- sprout
- salt
- talk
- walk
- halt
- malt
- stalk
- bald
- walnut
- caldron
- almost
- ball
- wall
- fall
- pall
- tall
- call
- all
- hall
- small
- stall
- squall
- oil
- soil
- boil
- foil
- toil
- coil
- join
- broil
- avoid
- poison
- spoil
- point
- joint
- coin
- moist
- hoist
- joist
- ointment
- appoint
- disappoint
- joy
- boy
- toy
- coy
- alloy
- employ
- annoy
- royal
- loyal
- ahoy
- destroy
-soft c-
- cell
- civil
- princess
- pencil
- acid
- cancel
- fence
- pence
- prince
- office
- since
- scent
- mince
- quince
- dunce
- hence
- absence
- sentence
- justice
- accept
- except
- excellent
- success
- accident
- innocent
-soft g-
- gem
- fringe
- bridge
- judge
- hedge
- sledge
- porridge
- dodge
- edge
- plunge
- fidget
- college
- fudge
- grudge
- smudge
- lodge
- cringe
- wedge
- tinge
- regiment
- pledge
- hinge
- lunge
- smudge
- dredge
- nudge
- magic
- addition
- multiplication
- subtraction
- action
- fraction
- ration
- attention
- mention
- affection
- suction
- condition
- expedition
- construction
- question
- section
- function
- fiction
- faction
- diction
- friction
- distinction
- option
- infection
- intention
- division
- vision
- tension
- mansion
- mission
- pension
- session
- extension
- passion
- discussion
- admission
- compassion
- provision
- invasion
- book
- good
- cook
- look
- foot
- nook
- rook
- hook
- took
- wood
- stood
- hood
- brook
- crook
- wool
- footman
- ask
- raft
- mast
- fast
- cask
- task
- glass
- staff
- last
- plant
- past
- brass
- craft
- class
- mask
- cast
- grass
- half
- slant
- pass
- fasten
- basket
- vast
- command
- delta
- demand
- extra
- umbrella
- Africa
- Canada
- ark
- car
- jar
- far
- tar
- bar
- mar
- star
- tart
- barn
- card
- scarf
- harp
- lark
- dart
- cart
- dark
- scar
- yard
- park
- mark
- part
- bark
- hard
- harm
- start
- harvest
- carpet
- hark
- spark
- darkness
- garden
- smart
- parting
- arctic
- darn
- art
- artist
- barbed
- regard
- marvel
- garment
- remark
- garland
- darling
- custard
- beggar
- target
- vicar
- market
-silent b-
- park
- lamb
- limb
- bomb
- numb
- dumb
- crumb
- debt
- jamb
- debt
- plumbing
-silent d-
- ledge
- judge
- hedge
- wedge
- grudge
- badge
- trudge
- bridge
- midge
- porridge
-silent g-
- sign
- gnu
- gnome
- gnaw
- gnarl
- gnash
- honest
- feign
- reign
- sigh
- deign
-silent h-
- which
- while
- when
- what
- whip
- whiz
- whim
- whisk
- whist
- whiff
- wheel
- whack
- whitsun
- white
- whale
- whine
- wheat
- whisper
- wheeze
- honor or honour
- hour
- heir
- whit
- whistle
-silent k-
- knee
- knew
- knob
- knot
- knit
- knelt
- knoll
- knack
- knock
- knife
- knowledge
- kneel
- know
- knead
- knave
- knapsack
- knotty
- knuckle
- knight
-silent t-
- often
- fasten
- listen
- castle
- gristle
- thistle
- jostle
- wrestle
- rustle
- bustle
-silent w-
- wren
- wrap
- wreck
- wrist
- wrong
- writ
- wrung
- wrath
- wreak
- wreath
- wrench
- write
- wretch
- wrote
- sword
- answer
- wrapper
- war
- wart
- warn
- warp
- warn
- wardrobe
- toward
- warbled
- quart
- awkward
- warder
- swarm
- reward
- haul
- Paul
- fault
- haunted
- fraud
- gaunt
- vault
- taunt
- daunt
- daub
- exhaust
- saw
- paw
- law
- jaw
- caw
- awl
- raw
- straw
- fawn
- pawn
- lawn
- claw
- hawk
- draw
- yawn
- drawn
- brawl
- crawl
- awful
- awning
- brawn
- dawn
- drawl
- prawn
- zoo
- food
- boot
- roof
- moon
- pool
- loop
- hoop
- spoon
- stool
- loom
- broom
- balloon
- tool
- cool
- stoop
- noon
- mood
- roost
- soon
- fool
- proof
- hoof
- boon
- picture
- lecture
- fracture
- adventure
- culture
- fixture
- disfigure
- posture
- scripture
- structure
- texture
- signature
- hare
- bare
- mare
- ware
- fare
- rare
- care
- dare
- compare
- Clare
- prepare
- stare
- flare
- spare
- blare
- farewell
- welfare
- square
- air
- pair
- lair
- fair
- hair
- despair
- stair
- affair
- unfair
#Reading Readiness