Lesson of the Day 6
Published on: June 30, 2007
Lesson of the Day 6
Today’s fun learning is brought to you by the Alphabet Game, Reading boxes,
Silence Game
Cold and Hot Science
Rock around the Clock, Finger Plays
Group time fun
Hot and Cold Science-
You will need:
Ice or snow
Mitten or glove
Have your child put on a warm glove. Give your child 2 ice cubes, one in each hand. Ask "Which hand feels cold first?" Does the ice melt in the hand with the glove or without the glove? Why does the gloved hand feel less cold?
Alphabet game-
You can do this game with one or a small group of children.
You’ll need:
Sandpaper alphabet or regular alphabet
A table
After the children have learned most of the sounds of the letters, spread out 5 to 10 well known letters on a table. The teacher goes to the opposite side of the room. Call out one of the letter sounds, such as “b”. One child goes to the table, finds the letter, and brings it back to you.
A child who is adept at this game can do the teacher’s role.
Advanced game:
Add more letters for the game.
Have the child find the letter by name and not sound.
Combine the fetching by either the name or the sound of the letter.
Reading Box- labels and objects -advanced lesson- (Your child has done the moveable alphabet spelling exercises and is ready to read)
This is one of the first steps in reading.
You can make reading boxes with labels and small objects. Many super centers have small organization dressers with clear plastic drawers. Shoe boxes, plastic containers, boxes with lids will work too. By following the phonogram list, find small objects and respective labels for each drawer. Make sure you use the same phonogram groups for each respective box. For example, use the simple pure phonetic words first:
Next introduce words that end with a double consonant-ck is usually the first one introduced-
Provide objects with labels for introducing duck, lock, etc.
Here are some more advanced words to introduce-
Words ending in ll-doll, bill, pill (fake one, like a candy), gull-
Words ending with ss kiss(candy type) , cross, lass, moss,
Words ending with ff-muff, puff
Words ending with ing- king, wing, ring, sling
Challenge words-button, cotton, mutton
Place these word phonogram groups together with matching objects. The children match the correct labels to the objects. You can introduce each label and object to the student, and then let the student do the lesson. Start with the easy phonetic words and work your way up to more difficult words. Some children will do this without a presentation, and that is fine too!
Here are some word lists
Spanish Corner-
You can do the Reading Boxes with foreign language vocabulary as well. Putting the objects with the written word helps with comprehension skills in later reading.
At this point your child knows the alphabet and has done the moveable alphabet.
Here are some Spanish words/objects you can use:
boca (mouth-use wax lips)
foca (seal)
roca (rock)
Also, you can label in your classroom objects in Spanish after English words are mastered. It’s important to do the primary language first.
Here is a site that helps with your Spanish pronunciation
This web site has fun rhyming poems and songs in Spanish
This picture dictionary is well illustrated and has both Spanish and English words
Language Guide Source for learning languages-11 different languages. Helpful site-
Telling time-
You’ll need a clock that has removable numerals or you can make one.
Directions for making a clock
1. You will need a round, flat piece of cardboard or a large paper plate. Place evenly a small piece of Velcro for each number (12) on your clock.
2. Using poster board or strong paper make 12 small circles, on the back of each circle place another piece of Velcro-use the opposite velcro texture that you used on the clock. On the front of each circle, neatly print the numbers 1 through 12.
3. Make the hands (one long one for minutes and short one for hours) of the clock with heavy-duty paper. Make sure the hands are colored a contrasting color compared to the face of the clock. Attach with a brass brad. The hands of the clock should be able to move.
How to Present the Clock. Your child should know how to count well and can easily recognize numeral symbols 1 through 12.
Assemble the clock with the numbers 12 through 1 in the appropriate spaces. Bring the clock to your child’s work area. Take off each number 1 through 12. Slowly, put the numbers back starting with 1 and working your way back to 12. Ask the child if he/she would like to do the exercise. If not, put away the clock and present it later.
Control of Error: The numbers don't line up in proper order.
After your child has mastered this exercise you can start teaching him/her how to tell time.
Put the long hand on the 12 and the short hand on another number, such as 3. And tell your child that this is called 3 o’clock.
Show another time, such as 5 o’clock.
Ask the child to show your 3 o’clock, 5 o’ clock.
Next show your child a time, such as 10 o'clock. Ask him or her, "What time is this?"
If your child has difficulty with this, do the above exercise some more.
Finally, let your child find the time using the clock hands. For example, ask your child to find 3 o'clock, etc.
When this is mastered you can use a clock stamp or use these print outs
Put the time (o’clock to begin with) under each clock- such as 1 o’clock, 3 o’clock
10 o’clock, 6 o’clock) under each clock.
I usually write it out 1 o'clock like this 1:00. It is easier to transition to reading digital clocks this way.
I slowly show the child how to draw the hands on the first clock-1: 00-
The long hand on the 12 and the short hand on the 1. (I put an arrow at the end of the clock’s hand)
Ask the child if he or she would like to do the next one.
Advanced lesson:
Present half hour and then quarter hour
Do minutes last-5’s, 10’s and 1’s.
Count the minutes in a clock by ones, fives, twos, and tens.
When children can tell basic time an old fashioned wristwatch with hands is a great gift.
Here is an overview of Telling Time.
Group time Games and Finger plays
Use your arms as the hands of the clock when do this-you can add more "o'clocks" to this finger play.
Hickory Dickory Dock,
The Mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one, (Put your arms at one o’clock)
The Mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory Dock.
Repeat but replace “the clock struck one” with “the clock struck two” and so on.
Hours/ Minutes clock game-
This can be played outdoors with chalk and a large space.
Make a large circle on the playgroup or driveway-
Make markings on the clock 1 through 12.
Have someone call out either “minutes” or “hours”
The person who is “it” hops from number to number , clockwise, counting by ones- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 for each hour if “hours” is called.
If “minutes” is called the person hops from number to number counting by 5’s-Jumps from number 12 to 1and counts out “5,” then from 2 to 1 counts out “10”, (2 to 3) “15,” (3 to 4) “20” and so on.
Advanced game: Do this game counterclockwise and count backwards.
“Rock around the Clock”
by Bill Haley has a fun first stanza for the clock activity-
“One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock,
Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock,
Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock,
We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.”
The Silence Game-
is an easy and relaxing game to play.
Read Out Loud Corner
Felix, what time is it?
by Langen, Annette,
This book has great colored illustrations. Felix teaches your chldren about time and how to use clocks. There is a clock with moveable hands that adds to the hands on lessons.