MontessoriMom Education that everyone can do

Fractions Part II


Some More Fraction Fun

Previous Newsletter about Fractions

You can use these materials to do a matching game. The smaller number fraction cards fit perfectly in each section of the fraction circle. Keep the fraction circles whole to make this activity easier to handle.

For example, put the number 1/2 on each section of the fraction circle with 1/2 sections. Do the same for the other circles. Start with the largest fractions first.

The second set of bigger cards are used to match the cut up fraction circles. Use these cards to represent the combination of the fraction circles. For example, 2/3 is matched with two 1/3 pieces of the fraction circle.

Here are some other ideas for fractions.

You can make a hands-on fraction wall using box shaped containers. Tape together the sections before covering them with paper. Make the sections proportional to the amount of fractions you are using. The whole number will be the largest section. A brick wall is a fraction wall!

Google Book Search excerpts -Fabulous Fractions

Archive Printouts

Fractions Part One

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