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How to reduce stress in your family

Money can be the main cause of tension and strife in a family. One of the best ways to promote harmony and happiness is to control your money and not let your money control you.

Here are some money saving ideas that may be helpful to your family.

Sit down with your family, figure out a household budget, and stick to it. Whenever you use your credit card, immediately deduct the amount from your checking account balance in your checkbook. This way you can easily track how much money you will need to cover your credit card bill.

Join friends in buying items in bulk at a food warehouse or coop. You can save lots on your grocery bill. When preparing meals double your recipes and freeze half. Tacos, spaghetti sauce and meatballs, bread, and cookies freeze well. You won?t be tempted to eat out so much with a freezer full of precooked meals.

Join or start a clothing, toy, and sporting equipment exchange. You can use money or coupons to buy the items. Children quickly outgrow clothes, toys, and even sporting equipment, so trading is a great way to save money. Start or join a playgroup preschool. People can take turns with activities and hosting the playgroup at each other?s homes. Do a fun monthly field trip together. Start or join a babysitting co-op. Get together to determine the rules and ideas for your parents. I would recommend using hourly, half hour, (etc.) coupons so you keep the amount of babysitting equal among the care providers. Start a college fund for your child. You can ask relatives to give your child a savings bond and an inexpensive toy for birthdays and holidays.

Take turns cooking. Make meal time creative and different, it will make eating at home a treat.  Have a dinner and movie night, cook your favorite ethnic food, decorate table settings for special occasions, let the birthday person pick out his or her favorite meal and desert, and   most of all, have everyone help prepare meal. 


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